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9  (90%) 2 Min 21 Sec

  1.  Sean told his mother that he ________ a nightmare the night before.

    Your answer=B, Correct answer= B,

  2.  He went to the party last Sunday, _________________ he?

    Your answer=D, Correct answer= D,

  3.  Please put the flask_____the chai.r

    Your answer=A, Correct answer= A,

  4.  The tiger patiently _______________ its prey before making its next move.

    Your answer=A, Correct answer= A,

  5.  The pupils are told to ________ the building if a fire breaks out.

    Your answer=B, Correct answer= B,

  6.  I drank a glass of lemonade to _______ my thirst.

    Your answer=D, Correct answer= D,

  7.  Does Anna ________ a slice of chocolate cake for tea?

    Your answer=A, Correct answer= B,

  8.  Jason puts on his __________________ to protect his eyes when he goes swimming.

    Your answer=A, Correct answer= A,

  9.  They ________ that the school library was closed for renovation so they went to National Library instead.

    Your answer=B, Correct answer= B,

  10.  It is very _________ to interupt when a person is talking. We should wait for our turn to speak.

    Your answer=B, Correct answer= B,

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