
Note: You may review this test later in the question review session.

(No Score) 5 Min 0 Sec

* Please note that the answer we provided is only for your information. Good luck!

  1. Minmin likes to place potted plants in her bedroom. In the daytime, she places her potted plants near the window so that the plants can photosynthesise. In the night, she places them on her writing desk in her room. Minmin's mother says that it is not healthy to have plants in the room at night.
    a) Do you think Minmin's mother is right?
    b) Explain your answer in (a).

  2. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  3. Jane placed 4 lizards in separate bottles, each having different living conditions.

    a) In which of the bottles (A, B, C or D) would the lizard most likely be alive after 7 days?
    b) Explain your answer in (a).

  4. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  5. Study the shapes as shown below.

    (a) Write down one property that you can use to classify the shapes.
    (b) Using the property stated above or otherwise, complete the classification table below by filling the group headings in (i) and (ii) and the letters representing the shapes in (iii) and (iv).

  6. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  7. The statemetns A-G describe the steps that lead to the formation of rain. They are not in the correct order.

    A. Water evaporates.
    B. Condensation happens.
    C. Warm air rises and then cools.
    D. Droplets of water form clouds.
    E. Heat energy from the Sun warms the Earth.
    F. When the water droplets become bigger, rain falls.
    G. Water collects in rivers, lakes and reservoirs.
    Arrange the statements in the correct order in the diagram below.

  8. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  9. ing respiration a)________________ is taken in and b)______________ is given out.

  10. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  11. A group of pupils were having a toy car competition. Materials used were recycled materials and 2 rubber bands. No motors or engines were used.
    ai) Name the source of energy for the toy cars to move.
    aii) In order to have a fair competition, which 2 of the following variables must be kept constant? Put only 2 ticks in the table below.


    Starting point of the toy car
    Ending point of the toy car
    Starting time of the toy car
    Number of rubber bands used

    b) The table below shows the distance traveled by a toy car when the wheels of the car had made a number of turns.

    Number of turns of the wheels

    Distance traveled (in m)

    5 turns

    1.2 m

    10 turns

    2.5 m

    15 turns

    3.3 m

    Based on the results above, what is the relationship between the number of turns of the wheels and the distance traveled by the toy car?

  12. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  13. Henry hung four boxes, W, X, Y and Z on a lever balance and compared their masses. He made the following observations.

    a. Box _____________ has the smallest mass
    b. Box _____________ has the biggest mass

  14. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  15. Compare the life cycle of a hen and a frog.

    (a) State one similarity between the two life cycles above.
    (b) State one difference between two life cycles above

  16. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  17. When a fruit is cut open, seeds can usually be seen.
    (a) Why are seeds important in the development of a plant? To answer parts (b), (c), (d) and (e), study the diagrams below.

    (b) State ONE similarity between the papaya and the kiwi fruit.
    (c) State ONE difference between the papaya and the kiwi fruit.
    (d) Name another fruit which is similar to the papaya.
    (e) State ONE characteristic of the fruit named in (d) which makes it similar to the papaya.

  18. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

  19. Fill in each blank with the correct word.
    The amount of _______ in the air is called humidity. When air is dry, humidity is _______. This makes it easier for water to _______ and later _______ to form rain.

  20. Your answer:

    Click here for proposed answer: open passage

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