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8  (80%) 45 Sec

  1.  I drank a glass of lemonade to _______ my thirst.

    Your answer=D, Correct answer= D,

  2.  I do not like playing tennis_______ I like playing basketball.

    Your answer=C, Correct answer= C,

  3.  The children _________ playing soccer in the field every Sunday.

    Your answer=A, Correct answer= A,

  4.  Jack_______ in the house with a huge dog that likes to chase cats.

    Your answer=B, Correct answer= B,

  5.  They are ________ for the examination tomorrow.

    Your answer=D, Correct answer= D,

  6.  The lost boys huddled around the fire as the night _______________ .

    Your answer=A, Correct answer= B,

  7.  Vicky is only 15 years old but she looks ________ than her 17-year-old sister.

    Your answer=B, Correct answer= B,

  8.  The suspect is in custody and is _______________ trial.

    Your answer=C, Correct answer= A,

  9.  Jaclyn felt so ________ of herself when she managed to clinch the top prize in the competition.

    Your answer=C, Correct answer= C,

  10.  Wen Hui _____________ the office an hour ago. She ______________ for a meeting.

    Your answer=A, Correct answer= A,

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