splogo NSP-111-240722-154652

Note: You may review this test later in the question review session.

  (80%) 1 Min 9 Sec

 Please use each word in the following box once:

after are besides have was
all because by is will
any before has towards with

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     On the lake in Western Siberia, flocks of ducks and geese (1) are roaming free. The local people are ignoring warnings from their government that (2) [all] domestic poultry should be kept indoors (3) because of the risk of bird flu.
     There (4) have been bird flu outbreaks in dozens of Russian villages in the past fortnight. The virus (5) is [was] brought to Russia from Asia (6) by the migrating wild birds. Ornithologists in Russia say that wild fowl (7) will soon be moving from here (8) before autumn comes. The latest research shows some birds will heard (9) towards the Mediterranean and Southern Europe. Other flocks will travel towards Germany, Britain and Ireland. It is possible that they could carry the bird flu virus (10) with them, potentially setting off a bird flu pandemic.

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